Refrigerator promotions and sales

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Get a device in which you will be able to store food in peace and at the same time it will have the right size and function. It may seem complicated, but it's easy.

There are many refrigerators on the market to choose from. Getting to know them may not be easy. You must think of a few basic things you can't do without. Think about whether the appliance will be built-in or free-standing, where it will cost, how many people will use it and how much food you normally buy. The size, interior layout and type of refrigerator are important. There are two basics, classic, or American. American refrigerators were quite popular and are an ideal option for a larger family. But for most of us, they are too big and expensive. But the decision is always up to you. Consider all your needs and accordingly you will find the best equipment that suits you best.

The basic parameter for all appliances is the energy class. Always look for category A, which is the best and thanks to which you save energy. In addition, you should also look at the "No Frost" automatic defrost function, which saves you worries and keeps fruits and vegetables fresh for longer. It is also very practical to be able to arrange the shelves in the door. This saves a lot of space and stores more food in the door. The noise level should be around 43 decibels, which are normal values ​​that will not disturb you when cooking or watching TV.

Today, it goes without saying that you have a drawer in your fridge for meat, cheese, and salami. This is a special Fresh Zone, where your meat, fish or cheese will stay fresh much longer. Below it is usually two large boxes for fruit and vegetables. However, the internal division of each appliance is a little different, so you need to think about what you buy the most and how you store your food. Accordingly, you need to choose a specific model that will really suit your requirements. You will choose the one that is best for you on the market.

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